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An Astrophysicist or An Astronaut?

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

fictional astronaut touching earth and causing a flash in space with the moon behind in the background astrophysicist or astronaut

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to be both an astrophysicist and an astronaut? Even though these are two totally different fields, you may be surprised to find out that you can! Find out more about it in this blog article.

What is the difference between an astrophysicist and an astronaut?

An astrophysicist is a scientist who studies the universe and the objects within it. They use their knowledge to understand how the universe works and how its objects interact with eachother. Many of them work in research institutions or universities, conducting their studies and writing papers on their findings. An astronaut, on the other hand, is someone who goes to space. They also conduct research while on board spaceships, like the International Space Station, but not in astrophysics. They perform experiments to study things like the effects of microgravity on the human body or growing food in space. An astrophysicist may become an astronaut, but the two professions are not the same.

How does one become an astrophysicist?

There are many ways to become an astrophysicist. One can earn an undergraduate degree in physics or astronomy, and then complete a Ph.D. in astrophysics. Alternatively, one could get a Ph.D. in a related field like mathematics or engineering and then specialize in astrophysics during post-doctoral studies. There are also many professional astronomers who have not completed a Ph.D. but have gained experience through work on research teams.

How to become an astronaut?

If you want to become an astronaut, you DON’T need to have a degree in astrophysics. However, you need to meet the physical requirements for astronauts, which include being able to pass a physical examination and having 20/20 vision. You will also need to be able to pass a swimming test.

What is the Astronaut Selection Process?

We cannot talk about this without first looking at NASA. The astronaut selection process established in the USA by NASA has been highly competitive and lengthy. It begins with a general call for applications, followed by a series of physical and psychological evaluations. From there, the pool of applicants is narrowed down to a selected few, who are then interviewed by a panel of NASA officials. The final decision is made by NASA's chief of the Astronaut Office.

Applicants must first pass a physical examination. This includes meeting specific vision requirements and having blood pressure and urine tests within normal limits. They must also have a clean bill of health from their personal physician.

The next step is the psychological evaluation, which consists of both written and verbal tests. The written tests assess the applicant's ability to handle stress and solve problems under pressure. The verbal test is an interview with a psychologist, during which the applicant is asked questions about their personal life, motivations, and goals.

After passing the physical and psychological evaluations, the applicant pool is narrowed down to a selected few, who are then interviewed by a panel of NASA officials. Those selected for the astronaut program undergo intensive training for an average of two years before being assigned to a mission.

In Europe, the process and selection are done by the European Space Agency. Other countries like Japan, China, and Russia have their own selection process. However, with the current surge of commercial space flight companies and successful human flight achieved by SpaceX, other options are now possible. Training might also be different. In all cases, training is extraneous and makes the candidates experience the changes they will be exposed to in space so as to assess their physical and psychological response, and their capability to adapt to them.

What is being an astronaut like?

Going to space is a fantastic experience. Astronauts get to float around in zero gravity and have a great view of Earth from their space station.

However, it's not easy being an astronaut; it takes a lot of hard work, patience, dedication, and training. Astronauts live for several days, and sometimes months, in small spaces and with other people that might or might not be their friends. Astronauts are also responsible for a wide variety of space-related tasks, from piloting, commanding, or maintaining the spacecraft, to performing experiments, some of which have very tight schedules. They have to prepare for emergencies, which can include troubleshooting power outages, communication problems, and even spacewalks.

If you are interested in astrophysics or space travel, I encourage you to pursue a career in astrophysics or try to become an astronaut. Get a head start on these careers. Even if you think you're too young to think about it, waste no time and start by reaching out to organizations or professionals. Investigate how you can start getting prepared for a wonderful journey into any of these careers.

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