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X-Rays and radio signal of the center of the Milky Way

Updated: Mar 10

An intricate glimpse into the heart of our Milky Way galaxy, captured by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, revealing a spectrum of cosmic phenomena through a mosaic of 88 pointings, each represented by colors - low-energy X-rays (red), intermediate-energy X-rays (green), and high-energy X-rays (blue) - unveiling the dynamic interplay of supermassive black holes, superheated gas clouds, massive stars, and neutron stars, among others, in this 900 by 400 light-year expanse, located about 26,000 light-years from Earth.

[The Galactic Center from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory.Credit Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO, JPL-Caltech, MSFC, STScI, ESA/CSA, SDSS, ESO]

The center of the Milky Way, about 26,000 light-years from Earth, is a region quite complex that has been observed by some of the world’s most powerful telescopes in different forms of light, ranging from the X-rays to the infrared and radio. These images provide great detail and a lot of information about what is going on in the heart of our Galaxy.

One of these telescopes is the NASA Chandra X-ray Observatory, which in 2009 released an image of a region 900 by 400 light years in size of the center of our Galaxy[1]. The image, which is a mosaic of 88 Chandra pointings, is not the kind of X-ray image we are used to seeing at our visits with the doctor. This colorful image glowing in orange, green, blue, and purple is a color representation of the low-energy X-rays (red), intermediate-energy X-rays (green), and high-energy X-rays (blue) that allow us to explore many cosmic events. The energy of the X-ray light is about 100 to 40,000 times larger than the visible light, and in the center of the Milky Way, it is produced by a supermassive black hole, superheated clouds of gas, massive stars, neutron stars, and many more.

This captivating image from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory focuses on the Galactic Center, home to three remarkable celestial objects: Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's core, Sgr A East, a supernova remnant from an explosion some 10,000 years ago, and Sgr A West, which collectively generate intense X-rays in this region; Sgr A*, in particular, gained fame when it became the second black hole observed by the Event Horizon Telescope in 2022.

[Galactic Center from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory with labels for each object discussed here. Credit: NASA/CXC/UMass/D. Wang et al.]

In this image, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is inside the bright semi-circle near the center, which together with Sgr A East and Sgr A West, contributes to the production of the intense X-rays in this region. Probably the most spectacular of the three objects is Sgr A*, which is the 4 million solar masses supermassive black hole that marks the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Sgr A* and that was observed in 2022 with a global network of synchronized radio observatories named the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - this was the second black hole observed by the EHT[2]. Sgr A East, on the other hand, is the remnant of a supernova (SN) that exploded about 10,000 years ago. In another study of this SN remnant, made also with Chandra, it was concluded that the explosion most likely was produced by a peculiar thermonuclear SN Type Iax, which as its name says, is not very common[3].

This composite image displays the Galactic Center region, showcasing X-ray data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory in blue and radio emissions captured by the Very Large Array (VLA) in red. Sgr A West, a spiral-shaped gas structure possibly gravitating towards the supermassive black hole Sgr A*, is highlighted. The intricate spiral pattern is distinctly visible in a radio image taken using the VLA in New Mexico.

[X-ray data from Chandra (blue) and radio emission from the Very Large Array (red) Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Nanjing Univ./P. Zhou et al. Radio: NSF/NRAO/VLA)]

Sgr A West is a spiral-shaped structure of gas that may be falling toward Sgr A*. The spiral shape can be more clearly seen in an image taken in radio with the Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico

This image showcases Sgr A West, featuring what appear to be spiral arms of gas encircling the point source at the Galactic Center. The region is illuminated by a diffuse X-ray haze generated by extremely hot gas resulting from various astronomical phenomena, such as stellar winds, dying star explosions, and outflows powered by Sgr A*. Additionally, numerous enigmatic X-ray filaments are scattered throughout, potentially representing extensive magnetic structures interacting with streams of energetic electrons, akin to the Sun's solar flares but on a much larger scale.  Two bright sources to the right and left of Sgr A, denoted as 1E sources, may originate from binary systems, possibly containing black holes or neutron stars. This region, including the Arch and DB stellar clusters, harbors numerous massive stars poised to give rise to more supernovas, neutron stars, and black holes. Notably, the elongated X-ray Thread at the top right could signify a supernova event. Furthermore, another supernova known as SNR 0.9-0.1 is visible in this image, which emits very high-energy (>100 GeV) gamma-rays, likely attributed to a pulsar wind nebula according to other observations

[Sgr A West, which shows that the point source in the Galactic Center is surrounded by what appear to be spiral arms of gas that orbit this object. Credit: Roberts et al. NRAO / AUI ./ NSF]

Permeating the region is a diffuse haze of X-ray light from gas that has been heated to millions of degrees by winds from massive young stars, explosions of dying stars, and outflows powered by Sgr A*. Also, the area around Sgr A* contains several mysterious X-ray filaments, some of these likely represent huge magnetic structures that are interacting with streams of very energetic electrons that are produced by rapidly spinning neutron stars, something similar to the solar flares we observe on the Sun but a much bigger scale.

The two bright sources to the right and left of Sgr A, labeled as 1E sources, might be produced by binary objects, each containing a black hole or a neutron star. Also, there are many massive stars in the Arch and in stellar clusters labeled as DB, these soon will produce more supernovas, neutron stars, and black holes. Actually, the X-ray Thread, appearing as an elongated feature at the top right, might be a supernova too. Besides Sgr A East, there is another SN in this image called SNR 0.9-0.1. With other observations, astronomers found that this supernova also emits very high energy (>100 GeV) gamma-rays that are most likely produced by a pulsar wind nebula[4] - these types of pulsars are found in many SN remnants. There are also hundreds of unnamed point-like sources that scientists think are solo neutron stars or white dwarfs, which all light up the region. Finally, Sir A, B1, B2, and C, are regions of colder gas where stars are forming. These regions are normally too cool to be detected in X-rays, but the edges of these clouds have been heated, allowing Chandra to see their X-ray glow.

This colder gas has been studied by other infrared and radio telescopes. GRAVITY provides an example of an observation of Sgr A taken in 2016[5]

This image presents interferometric GRAVITY observations of the Galactic Center, focusing on the star IRS 16C as a reference and the target star S2. The orange cross denotes the position of the central black hole. Within this field, numerous unnamed point-like sources, believed to be solitary neutron stars or white dwarfs, illuminate the surroundings. Additionally, the regions Sir A, B1, B2, and C showcase colder gas areas where star formation occurs. These regions are typically too cool for X-ray detection, but the heated peripheries of these clouds emit X-ray radiation, visible thanks to Chandra's observations.  The colder gas in this region has been extensively studied using various infrared and radio telescopes, with GRAVITY offering an example of its 2016 observation of Sgr A

[Interferometric GRAVITY observations of the Galactic Center. The star IRS 16C was used as a reference star, the actual target was the star S2. The orange cross is the position of the central black hole. Credit: ESO/MPE/S. Gillessen et al.]

or the image of Sgr B2, the giant molecular cloud as seen by the NSF's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico [6]

This image captures Sagittarius B2 (North), a massive molecular cloud, through the NSF's Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico. The image reveals a span of nearly 3 light-years and highlights hydrogen gas concentrations. Red shading represents more intense radio emissions, while blue indicates weaker signals. Credit: NRAO/AUI Archives

[The giant molecular cloud, known as Sagittarius B2 (North). This VLA image shows hydrogen gas in a region nearly 3 light-years across. Red indicates stronger radio emission; blue weaker. Credit: NRAO/AUI Archives]

Another spectacular view of the Galactic center was obtained by the MeerKAT Radio Telescope in South Africa, which penetrates the intervening dust that obscures the view of this region at other wavelengths. These observations add all sorts of information about the activity going on in the Galactic center.

This captivating image of the Galactic Center, obtained by the MeerKAT Radio Telescope in South Africa, depicts the Galactic plane running horizontally across the frame. The MeerKAT telescope can pierce the dust that obscures this region in other wavelengths, offering valuable insights into the activities occurring at the Galactic center. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO

[MeerKAT image of the Galactic Center shown with the Galactic plane running horizontally across the image. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO]

The image is a mosaic from 20 separate observations using 200 hours of telescope time and covering an area of 6 square degrees (12 times the size of the Moon), which corresponds to about 1000 by 5000 light years in size[7]. The image reveals a lot of activity produced by the objects observed with Chandra but also shows us clearly the compact star-forming regions together with a large population of mysterious radio filaments. The energy of radio waves is about 0.0000001 times that of visible light and is at these energies where molecules, which survive only in very cold environments, like those in star-forming regions, emit photons (or packets of light) that we can observe. Here, the Sri B1 and Sri B2 are bright because these are dense molecular clouds, making it clear why we said before these were regions of star formation.

The high sensitivity of these images allowed a group of astronomers to use color to indicate the spectral slope of the emitted radio waves[8]. These colors, unlike the Chandra images, relate to what radio astronomers call spectral index which indicates what type of emission produced these radio waves; e.g. electrically charged particles, known as electrons, moving through magnetic fields, radio waves with a wavelength of 21 centimeters that atoms of hydrogen spontaneously emit, or emission from molecules like CO.

These high-sensitivity images, made possible by the MeerKAT Radio Telescope, enabled a team of astronomers to employ color to represent the spectral slope of emitted radio waves. Unlike Chandra images, these colors correspond to the spectral index, revealing the nature of the emissions, such as those from charged particles moving through magnetic fields, hydrogen atoms emitting 21-centimeter radio waves, or emissions from molecules like CO. Credit: SARAO / I. Heywood / J. C. Muñoz-Mateos.

[MilkyWay-MeerKAT-spectra.jpg .Credit: SARAO / I. Heywood / J. C. Muñoz-Mateos]

The broad feature running vertically through the center of the image is a series of parallel radio filaments that follow the inner part of the Radio Bubbles. These bubbles are the pieces of an hourglass-shaped structure that extends 1,400 light-years and is symmetrical with respect to Srg A*. Astronomers speculate the bubbles were produced by a very powerful event occurring a few million years ago, very near the Milky Way's central black hole. Looking closer at this region reveals with much more detail the chaotic complexity of the heart of our Galaxy.

This intricate image captures the complex, cirrus-like emission originating from the Galactic Center's super bubble. Notably, the Radio Arc spans a labyrinth of parallel radio filaments, distinctly visible running vertically through the center of the frame. These filaments closely trace the inner part of the expansive Radio Bubbles, a vast hourglass-shaped structure that extends across 1,400 light-years, exhibiting symmetry relative to Sgr A*. Astronomers conjecture that these bubbles emerged from a tremendously powerful event occurring a few million years ago, in close proximity to the central black hole of the Milky Way. A closer examination of this region unveils an intricate and chaotic tapestry at the core of our galaxy. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO.

[The complex, cirrus-like emission from the Galactic Center’s super bubble. The Radio Arc is transversed by a complex of many parallel radio filaments. The bright dot near the center of this region is Sgr A*. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO.]

Further to the right, appearing as a large bubble, there is the SN remnant G359.1-0.5 that seems connected with the Galactic plane by the longest radio filament known, which is called ‘the Snake.’ This SN remnant is not in the Chandra images, but in a closeup of this region taken by MeerKAT, we can also see ‘the Mouse,’ which is a runaway pulsar possibly formed and ejected by the SN event.

In this image, the prominent SN remnant G359.1-0.5 occupies the center, while adjacent to the left is an intriguing structure known as 'the Mouse,' and to the upper right, we encounter 'the Snake.' Notably, G359.1-0.5 is connected to the Galactic plane via 'the Snake,' which represents the longest-known radio filament. Interestingly, this SN remnant does not appear in Chandra images but is visible in a detailed view captured by MeerKAT. 'The Mouse' is also discernible in this close-up, believed to be a runaway pulsar possibly originating from and propelled by the supernova event. These images offer a treasure trove of insights for astronomers, who will harness both existing and forthcoming observations to unravel the mysteries concealed within the Galactic Center. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO

[Centre is the image of the SN remnant G359.1-0.5. To the left is ‘the Mouse’, To the upper right is ‘the Snake’. Credit: I. Heywood, SARAO.]

Clearly, there is so much to learn from these images. Astronomers will continue using these, and new observations to shed more light into the mysteries of the Galactic Center.





[4]F. Aharonian et al 2005, A&A 432, L25

[5]GRAVITY Image



[8] I. Heywood et al 2022 ApJ 925 165

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